The goal of life is living in
agreement with nature.  ~Zeno



Buffer Strips

Buffer strips are strips or tracts of land in permanent vegetation designed to intercept pollutants, control erosion and manage other environmental concerns. Also known as conservation strips, buffer strips, strategically placed can be an invaluable tool in managing surface water within a watershed. Their value extends far beyond traditional agricultural application.

In urban areas of home and highway construction, conservation strips can stabilize soils subject to erosion from wind and water runoff. These same strips act as filters catching potential toxins and debris from roadways and large tracts of paved parking areas before they enter our valued waterways. Conservation strips can also be utilized in flood prone areas to manage overflow.

The design of buffer or conservation strips can be from simple to complex and is dictated by the scope of the potential problem area. A simple design may consist of grasses and other indigenous perennials while a more complex design may mimic a complete ecosystem, including annuals, perennials, shrubs, vines and trees. Such areas also have great value in providing a natural habitat for wildlife.

Rain Gardens

A rain garden is
a planted depression that often fills with rainwater or runoff from streets or parking lots. In the urban landscape, proper placement of a rain garden can provide the same benefits as larger buffer strips in an agricultural setting. Rain gardens can be creatively designed and have practical applications in home landscapes and urban common areas. Plantings in these types of areas can at times be submerged so appropriate variety selection is essential in the overall success and effectiveness of the rain garden.




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